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Image by micheile henderson


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Bridgette Schommer
Bridgette Schommer
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Would you like to know what your past lived were? Actually experience them together?

Past life regression as a group is an intriguing and collective experience that allows participants to explore their potential past lives under guided meditation or hypnosis. This practice is rooted in the belief that our souls have lived multiple lifetimes, and by accessing memories from these past lives, individuals can gain insights into their current behaviors, relationships, and life challenges. When conducted in a group setting, this journey becomes not only a personal exploration but also a shared adventure, fostering a sense of unity and mutual support among participants.

The process typically begins with a trained facilitator who guides the group through relaxation techniques to enter a deep meditative state. Once the participants are deeply relaxed, the facilitator employs specific prompts and visualizations to help individuals access memories or images from their past lives. As each…

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Inner child meditation can be a powerful tool for latchkey kids, who often spend considerable time alone and may face feelings of loneliness or neglect. This form of meditation allows individuals to reconnect with the younger version of themselves, offering a chance to heal past wounds and fulfill unmet emotional needs. For latchkey kids, who may have had to grow up quickly due to their circumstances, engaging in inner child meditation can help rediscover the joys and innocence of childhood.

To begin an inner child meditation, find a quiet and comfortable place where you won't be disturbed. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to center yourself. Visualize yourself as a young child. Picture the places you used to go, the things you loved to do, and the feelings you experienced. Allow yourself to fully immerse in these memories, acknowledging any emotions that arise, whether they are happy,…

Mujo Miki Culum
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A cord cutting candle spell is a powerful ritual used to sever unhealthy or unwanted emotional, spiritual, or energetic ties to people, situations, or past experiences. This spell can help you move forward and regain your personal power. Below is a simple, effective cord cutting candle spell you can perform.

Materials Needed:

  1. Two black candles

  2. A white candle

  3. A piece of black string or thread

  4. A small piece of paper and a pen

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What is a passing over ceremony?

A passing over ceremony for ghosts/ spirits conducted by healers is a deeply spiritual and meaningful ritual aimed at helping restless spirits find peace and transition to the afterlife. These ceremonies are often performed by experienced healers, shamans, or spiritual guides who possess the knowledge and sensitivity to communicate with the spirit world. The primary goal is to assist spirits that may be lingering due to unresolved issues, traumatic deaths, or attachments to the physical world.

The ceremony typically begins with the preparation of a sacred space. This involves cleansing the area with sage or other purifying herbs to ensure it is free from negative energies. An altar may be set up, adorned with candles, crystals, and personal items that are significant to the departed spirits. The healer may invoke protective spirits or deities to safeguard the proceedings and offer guidance throughout the ritual.

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👻 Earthbound Spirits: Resonating with Humanity 👻

Ever thought about how earthbound spirits could be just like us, with a rich array of emotions and distinct personalities? These spectral beings carry with them an emotional depth that echoes our human experiences.

Dive into a discussion on the fascinating ways these spirits reflect our emotional diversity. Share your encounters, insights, and reflections on this connection. Let's uncover the layers of this supernatural-human emotional nexus together.

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Kiernan Garvie
30 days ago · added a group cover image.
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Welcome to our group Clearing Spirits! A space for us to connect and share with each other. Start by posting your thoughts, sharing media, or creating a poll.

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Kiernan Garvie
30 days ago · changed the group description.

Join us in exploring the world of spells and potions together!

#16-2220 Northridge dr


All appointments. classes & services subject to individual practitioner's cancellation policy. Please contact for details.

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- cupping massage practitioner - lightworkers crystal grid meditation - hand and foot reflexology - holistic energy healing - certified reiki master

Ki'smet Co.

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